Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Gift


by Carol Randall

There are many ways to look at a person.

But most people do just one.

They look with their eyes at the outsides,

And judge right away what they see.

A look is enough to tell them a person's worth to decide if

this person is someone to know.

But for people who only do this, Something is sadly amiss

For they will never really know all people are truly GIFTS.

What a person looks like on the outside is only a wrapping you see,

That wrapping might be shiny and pretty or even dull or tattered and worn.

But stopping with just those wrappings leaves the GIFT of the

person unopened, a waste of the richness of Friendship, and

a loss for things that will never be.

The GIFT of the person is inside.

Something that is well worth the time, so when looking at a person

remember they are a GIFT

and don't stop with the wrapping for the GIFT you surely will miss.

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